Sunday, October 5, 2014

Who wants to learn about Fourier?

Stanford University on iTunesU:
            A dream of mine would be to one day complete post-graduate study at Stanford University.  Unfortunately, there are two things preventing me from accomplishing this dream: geography and money.  Stanford is located in California; I live in northeast Indiana.  Another thing preventing my ability to study at Stanford is the more than $14,000 dollars grade term’s tuition which I could not afford.  Thank you to the magic of the 21st century technology, I can still study some of the same content from some of the same Stanford University courses for free.  And while it may not be as rigorous or as high quality education as taking a real Stanford course, it does provide for an opportunity to gain additional knowledge.  As an amateur quantum physics enthusiast, a concept I encountered in the book Quantum Physics for Poets by Dr. Leon Lederman is the Fourier transform.  The course I am currently taking through Walden University, “Distance Learning,” assigned me to provide an analysis of a free open course, so it was fortunate that Stanford’s iTunesU page had a course on Fourier transform that I could use to complete the application task.
            Stanford University’s “The Fourier Transform and its Applications” is laid out as an authentic college course.  Prof. Brad Osgood from Stanford is the feature lecturer in this series of 30 video lectures.  Along with each pair of corresponding lectures, the course provides a problem set of practice problems for the learner to complete and also provides the solutions and steps for how to solve the problems.  The Fourier course seems intentionally designed for distance learners, as the material is sequential in nature with later lectures and problems sets building on previous ones.  There is even a copy of both the midterm and final exams along with answer keys for the learner to be able assess him or herself on how well they are comprehending the material.
            As described by Saltzberg and Plyson in Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, and Zvacek (2012), this could be considered an example of distributed learning since the open course is “an instructional model that allows instructor, students, and content to be located in different, noncentralized locations so that instruction and learning occur independent of place and time” (pp. 123-124).  As an effective online course, this would not pass the textbook writers’ test, as it seems that the creators of this course do little more than put lectures and handout materials online for people to access (p. 134).  The course does not provide a detailed syllabus; the learner can get an idea of what will be covered by looking at the brief outline of topics. 
            The individual who compiled the video and problem sets for this open course seems to have implemented course activities to promote and foster learning, but I am not sure whether one could say that learning is maximized.  In the course description area, there is an outline of headings for the major topics covered.  The video lectures of Prof. Osgood feature him writing material on a chalkboard and giving clear explanation as he goes.  The problems sets contain solutions with explanations.  A student in the distance learning setting could benefit from having an area to ask questions or find additional support from the instructor.  The learner could also benefit from there being a resource that provides the individual topics for each lecture so that he or she may be prepared to take notes or read up on the topics ahead of time.
            My math skills do not extend much beyond simple trigonometry, yet I feel I understand Fourier transform a little better after watching the first few lectures.  Stanford University’s iTunesU course, while not the most easy to understand source on the topic of quantum mechanics, is a good place to go for quality distance learning on a wide range of academic subjects.  Not all courses contain the same level of quality materials as “The Fourier Transform and its Applications,” but all courses like it that I saw are laid out in a sequential fashion that will help the average learner take something away from the experience.
Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2012). Teaching and learning at a
                distance: Foundations of distance education (5th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.

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